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- Opened by President at 5:35
- Pledge
- Handshake
- Welcomed 3 new kids
- Buddy Activity – Two Groups
- Cloverbuds Go Out
- Secretary Speeches
- Approved as co-secretaries!
- Secretaries read the minutes from last meeting. Minutes approved.
- Treasurer’s Report:
- Beginning balance $5, 188.74 November
- Income: $415
- Expense: $62.51
- Total Closing Balance: $5, 541.23
- VP announced next mtg: Monday January 9th – Spring Sign Ups
- Project Reports:
- Sewing – Member – Sewing a button, made pencil pouches and tote bags.
- Practiced Cooperation, Planning, Personal Safety, Self-Motivation, Self- Discipline
- Coop Fundraising – Craft Fair – made $788
- Went out to local companies and got encouragement and supplies and donations.
- Goal-setting, Planning, Organizing
- Goats – Member and Member
- Three things they did in their last mtg.
- Life skills practiced
- Adult & Adult talked about Presentation Day on Feb 11
- Cool Person – (climate change intern from City of Emeryville)
- Scientist in Costa Rica & Tibet & Australia became a Climate Change Policymaker
- and worked with a group called Civic Spark
- also a Permaculture Designer, Artist + Activist
- Holiday Card Making
- Meeting adjourned at 6:30 pm….
- Record book covers available for $3