April 24, 2017

  • President called the meeting to order at 5:34pm
  • President led 4-H pledge and handshake
  • Secretary welcomed new faces:  two families (11 and 7 yo, and 12 yo)
  • Secretary read minutes; X made motion to approve; Y seconded; Motion carried
  • Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report
  • Adult led a project brainstorming session to help the club leaders and parents understand the interest from the members as they plan for 2017/2018 projects
  • Cool Person from Our Community: (search and rescue volunteer), talked to us about wilderness safety.  There were lots of questions and interest in doing another longer session with her
  • Meeting adjourned at 6:47pm.  X made motion; Y approved; motion carried

March 20, 2017

  • Meeting called to order at 5:30pm
  • Secretary led the 4-H pledge and handshake
  • New faces: one new parent and daughter
  • Secretary read and got approval for the minutes
  • Treasurer read the treasurer’s report
  • VP announced the next meeting
  • Adult announced the Bay Street Farmers Market on April 15th and talked about 4-H T-shirts
  • Member and Member did the Calligraphy, Cursive, Collage project report
  • Adult talked about small animal field day
  • Adult talked about Las Posadas camp
  • Member led a Stretch Break
  • Cool Person (teacher) talked about community and led the group in exploration of inclusion
  • Member gave a motion to adjourn the meeting
  • Member seconded the motion
  • Member made a comment
  • Meeting adjourned at 6:24pm

February 13, 2017

  • President called the meeting to order at 535pm
  • VP led the 4-H pledge and handshake
  • Secretary welcomed new faces
  • Secretaries Read Minutes from January meeting
    • X made a motion to approve
    • Y seconded the motion
    • After a vote, the motion carried
  • Member read the Treasurer’s Report (since Treasurer could not attend.  We paid our program fees this month of about $3000.  We have $2859.96 in our operating budget.  (Coop construction fees are kept separately)

Upcoming Happenings and Announcements

  • Secretary announced the next Community Club Meeting – Monday March 20, 2017
  • VP announced the Bay Street Farmers’ Market opportunity:  April 15
  • We had two Project Reports:
    • Coop FUNraising Update:  entire team plus EBI CFO who thanked us for the effort and said she was proud of our efforts and what we learned
    • Coop Construction Update:  Member shared the update and announced that the project has begun.
  • Member and Member presented their Presentation Day report on Bacon; they received a Gold award and were invited to the next level
  • Adult reviewed the upcoming County Events because Adult wasn’t there
  • Adult reminded us about Las Posadas 4H camp.  Registration starts 4/1 for Ages 9 and up.

Cool Person from Our Community:  (lawyer).

  • Uncommon Law – talk to people in Jail and talk to the managers to help them get out of jail and not go back
  • Not all people in jail are guilty.  Some are.
  • When he started talking to people in jail, he thought they might be mean but he found out they are actually nice – just people
  • He has been doing this more than 10 years
  • Lots of children and adults asked questions

Meeting adjourned at 6:40pm

  • X made a motion
  • Y seconded
  • After a vote, motion carried

Kids were asked and invited to make Valentine’s Day card for the Senior Center who will deliver the cards to seniors receiving Meals on Wheels and others.

January 9, 2017

4-H Community Club Meeting, January 9, 2017

(taken and typed up by Secretary)

  • Meeting called to order at 5:43 pm
  • Pledge and handshake lead by VP
  • VP welcomed new faces
    • 3 kids
  • VP lead the buddy activity
    • Singing or Dancing better
  • Seniors from Emeryville Senior Center were the cool people
    • Talked about getting lai-see on Chinese new year, which is a red envelope with money inside
  • Clover buds EXIT
  • Secretaries read the minutes from December meeting
  • Treasurer did the treasurers report
  • Secretaries got an approval to spend $50 on a scrapbook to record our year
  • President read the upcoming happenings
  • Adult reminded us about presentation day on February, 11th
  • Member and Member did a report on the Drone Discovery Project
  • VP and Secretary lead a Stretch Break
  • Secretary announced the spring projects
    • Adult talked about First Aid
    • Adult talked about Computer Game Investing
    • Adult and Adult talked about Cursive, Calligraphy, and collage
    • Adult and Adult talked about Social Science
    • Adult talked about Coop Construction
    • Adult talked about Chicks
    • Adult and Adult talked about Farm Park Exploration
    • Adult talked about backpacking
  • We all sang Happy Birthday to Member
  • Adult gave out cupcakes
  • Member moved to adjourn the meeting
  • Member seconded the motion
  • Meeting adjourned at 6:36 pm

December 12, 2016

  • Opened by President at 5:35
  • Pledge
  • Handshake
  • Welcomed 3 new kids
  • Buddy Activity – Two Groups
  • Cloverbuds Go Out
  • Secretary Speeches
    • Approved as co-secretaries!
  • Secretaries read the minutes from last meeting. Minutes approved.
  • Treasurer’s Report:
    • Beginning balance $5, 188.74 November
    • Income: $415
    • Expense: $62.51
    • Total Closing Balance: $5, 541.23
  • VP announced next mtg: Monday January 9th – Spring Sign Ups
  • Project Reports:
    • Sewing – Member – Sewing a button, made pencil pouches and tote bags.
      • Practiced Cooperation, Planning, Personal Safety, Self-Motivation, Self- Discipline
    • Coop Fundraising – Craft Fair – made $788
      • Went out to local companies and got encouragement and supplies and donations.
      • Goal-setting, Planning, Organizing
    • Goats – Member and Member
      • Three things they did in their last mtg.
      • Life skills practiced
  • Adult & Adult talked about Presentation Day on Feb 11
  • Cool Person – (climate change intern from City of Emeryville)
    • Scientist in Costa Rica & Tibet & Australia became a Climate Change Policymaker
    • and worked with a group called Civic Spark
    • also a Permaculture Designer, Artist + Activist
  • Holiday Card Making
  • Meeting adjourned at 6:30 pm….
  • Record book covers available for $3

November 14, 2016

  • opening: 5:34 pm
  • Pledge..
  • Handshake..
  • Welcome new kids from EBI + The Berkeley School + families
  • Activity: kids split up between 10 and up and 10 and under..
  • Pairing up with a buddy by colors…Find one other thing that you have in common – 5 minutes
  • Cloverbuds (7 & under) go outside
  • Minutes read…
  • Member read the treasurer’s report:  $4,645.09 Received $543.65 Expense: $57.51 Balance: $5, 126.23
  • Question about Cloverbuds. President responds.
  • Next club mtg: Dec. 12 (a little longer because we’ll be making holiday cards for seniors).
  • Maker Faire report by Member: crafts, 15 people signed up on interested list (new member one of them), thanks to people who helped. Showed photos.
  • Project report on Coop Fundraising from Member:
  • Need $2500 to build the chicken coop designed last year.
    • 1st mtg – talked about persuasion techniques, pitches, practiced those.
    • Next mtg: going to places to pitch and try to fundraise.
    • Life Skills: collaboration, persuasion, presentation
  • EBI Craft Fair – next Wednesday Nov. 23rd booths – will serve holiday sweets and crafts – 4H kids to make the crafts. Mugs + frames to decorate. Drop it in the box by Tuesday…the 22nd
  • Cereal box notepads…or other craft projects welcome.
  • Bike project update:
    • 1st mtg – bike inspection check list, helmets, etc.
    • 2nd mtg – Met at SeaBreeze, biked up hills, on path, Albany bulb, Member got skunked and his chain fell off.
    • Next mtg – Riding across to Treasure Island…Everyone welcome..
  • Adult talked about Upcoming Dec. 4 Dunsmuir Hellman Petting Zoo day – to help or bring animals
  • Feb 20 – Equine Day
  • Put May 27th on the calendar – Big Field Day
  • Member + Member did stretch break + chant.
  • Cool person from community: Seasoned Member from Oaktown 4-H
  • Oaktown 4H. Talk about record books. If you’re interested in showing or entering an animal or project at the fair it’s a good idea to keep a record book.
  • In order to earn stars for your 4H hats you have to keep your record book to earn start ranks. She has platinum rank and is a county all-star.
  • Good idea to keep track of your volunteering and leadership, and to remind you. You can look back at what you’ve done, and your progress.
  • What is it? Personal info, star ranking.
  • 4H events attended, leadership development, community service, citizenship…awards..what you do outside of 4H – keep track here.
  • Talked about her swine project. Raising and selling the pigs at the fair.
  • She talked about why she loves 4H. Creating a Leader Conference – youth 11 and up – cabins Walker Creek Ranch ….last weekend in January –
  • Adult talked about the project report form, pick up a record cover – $3
  • Officer Elections: 3 candidates
    • Treasurer candidate: Member
    • Vice-President: Member
    • President: Member
  • Adult and Adult congratulated all the officers.
  • Adult volunteers still needed.
  • Buddies reported on each other.
  • Mtg adjourned.
  • We howled at the super- Duper moon!!



In this introduction to sewing, we learned how to design and construct a simple tote bag and a zippered pen pouch. Along the way, we learned about fabric selection, measurement, marking and cutting as well as how to thread a sewing machine, wind a bobbin and more.

Oct-Nov 2016