Presentation Day Workshop


Public speaking skills are ranked #1 among the skill sets of professionals, and Presentation Day provides a chance to improve those skills in a judgment-free environment while learning and teaching people about something you love and are passionate about.

Presentation Day is an annual Alameda County event. All 13 4-H clubs in Alameda County can participate. This year’s event will take place on March 15 over Zoom or on March 17 in-person at the Creekside Community Church in San Leandro.

This is a fun event and we want to help you prepare! In this 3-day workshop, we will help you decide what kind of presentation to create, work with you to build it, and help you practice presenting it.



  • Sunday, Feb 18, 11-1
  • Sunday, Mar 3, 10-12
  • Sunday, Mar 10, 10-12


Cross Stitch Creations


Learn to do simple counted cross-stitch embroidery. You’ll learn how to start the stitch, make the cross stitch, and then secure it. Once you’ve learned the cross stitch, you’ll be able to use it to create all kinds of cute patterns by simply putting them together in different formations and using different colors of thread. We will work to complete a project and your finished work could be entered in the summer Fair!

AGES: 9+

DATES: Feb 11th 10am-noon, and two other dates on Mar 2-3 weekend and Mar 23-24 weekend. At project leader’s house in Oakland


International Field Day


The Rising Stars’ Team is hosting a county-wide International Field Day on April 13 to learn about the culture, food and needs of various countries and we need YOUR help! Each Club chooses a country they wish to showcase. There are several components to the showcase and clubs will be evaluated on them along with club participation. The desired components include:

  • Informational Poster. Recommendations: Large tri-fold or similar. Information may include a map, cultural information, fun facts, favorite foods, and should be attractive. Poster should also include information on and links (QR codes?) to a cause or causes benefitting the peoples of your chosen country.
  • Food Samples. Small samples of a food from your chosen country. Please provide information on contents, especially common allergens.
  • Activity or Game. Choose a fairly simple game or activity that can be done at your table. The game/activity should reflect your chosen country.
  • Performance. All clubs are asked to do a short skit, dance, monologue or song that relates to your chosen country
  • Not all components are required. In order to participate your club must choose a country and include a poster and game/activity at your table. The performance and food samples are optional but WILL be included on the club evaluation scores.
  • Prizes: Certificates for: Best Poster, Best Performance . People’s Choice Awards for Best Food, Best Game/Activity. OVERALL AWARD will be given to club with best complete Booth and Performance and will be a basket of treats for the club to share with their members at their next club meeting.


DATES: TBD in Feb and March


Urban Walking Adventure


Let’s explore some cities together! Project will be 3 sessions, one each in March, April & May, on a weekend day. Each session will probably be about 3 hours.

  • Session 1: Scavenger Hunt Along the Berkeley Paths, March 23
  • Session 2: Exploring Emeryville’s Public Art, April 20
  • Session 3: Urban Geocaching in Oakland, May 11



Handscript and Shadowbox Collage


This project offers an introduction to free-hand cursive writing and elements of intricate collage technique. Project participants will create art pieces using hand lettering and three-dimensional collage to make a beautiful hand decorated and framed quotation in a shadow box. Students who have taken this project before are welcome to do so again. If desired, finished pieces can be entered in the 2024 Alameda County Fair. (Historically these pieces have been award winners!)

AGES: 10+

DATES: Tuesdays March 19 & 26, 4-7pm


Table Setting for Fair


Choose a theme, a favorite book, movie, or place for example and use your creativity to design a menu and place setting around it. Use appropriate service & utensils and make sure the setting matches the items on the menu. Nothing edible or alive may be a part of the display.

Fair Guidelines: Single table setting limited to 24’x 24″ with a 15″ height limit. A 24’x 24″ piece of sturdy cardboard, wood, or foam board covered with fabric or paper is required as the base of the setting. All components must be placed only on this board.

Entries will be delivered to the Fair, date TBD, but sometime in June.

Judging Standards: 25% Overall Appearance, 50% Functionality, 25% Creativity

AGES: 9+

DATES: 4/24, 5/1, 5/8 and 5/15, 3:30-5:30 at project leader’s house in Emeryville


Let’s Talk Rocks!


Do you think rocks rock? I do, too! In this project, we’ll do hands-on activities to learn about rocks, minerals, and our corner of the Earth. Possible topics include: identifying rocks and minerals, the rock cycle, interpreting geological maps, microscope images of rocks, processes that formed the Bay Area, and Bay Area + California geology.

I’m a former club member (E 4-H 2015-2021), and I’m currently studying geology at the University of British Columbia. I’d like to learn more about the geology where I grew up, so let me know if you’re interested in joining me!

AGES:  Open to all ages – all activities will likely have two versions for younger and older members

DATES:  TBD. Sessions will be mostly hands-on activities to learn about rocks and Bay Area geology.

  • Session 1: Minerals
  • Session 2: Rocks + Rock Cycle
  • Session 3: Bay Area Tectonics
  • Session 4: Bay Area geology – Joaquin Miller field trip
  • Session 5: Bay Area geology – Sibley field trip


Lafayette Reservoir Buckeye Tree Planting Project


In early December, EBMUD rangers will lead the club in collecting buckeye seeds at Lafayette Reservoir, learning about the unique species and the watershed along the way. Members will take the seeds home, and follow ranger direction to sprout the seeds and care for the plants through the winter. Seeds can be grown in repurposed 1-gallon containers, such as milk of juice bottles. Near the end of winter (March), club members will take the trees to Lafayette Reservoir and work with rangers to plant them.

AGES:  All ages

DATES: Seed collection: Sunday, December 5, 2021, 2-4 pm;  Tree planting: approx. March 2022


Eating Around the World


Come cook with us! The whole family can get involved in this fun activity. Sessions will have a “cultural or special food” theme and some will be led by teen leaders. Ingredient lists will be sent out in advance. The leader will explain the significance of the savory or sweet food and demonstrate how to make it, and we will all follow along and make it too. This will be a great way to have fun and expand your culinary repertoire.

AGES:  All ages, minimum 4 kids, no max

DATES:  All sessions over Zoom

  • Sunday, February 6, 1:30-3:30 (California bay nut truffles)
  • Sunday, March 6, 12:00-2:00 (Ecuadorian ceviche with cancha)
  • Sunday, April 3, 11:00-1:00 (TBD)
  • May date TBD (Japanese gyoza)

PROJECT FEE:  None, but you will have to buy your own ingredients



Come be a part of the fastest growing sport in the U.S.  Fun for all ages! No experience needed!  We will have 4 courts plus plenty of paddles and balls for everyone.  We will learn about serving, dinking, the kitchen (don’t go in there!)

Feel free to reach out to us with any questions if you aren’t sure this is for you (we assure you, it is!!)

AGES:  7+, minimum 4 kids, max 16 kids

DATES: Three Saturdays:  March 12, 19, 26, 2-4p at Bushrod Park, Oakland




We will hike 4 miles in Redwood Regional Park in Oakland on March 13, 5 miles in Wildcat Canyon on April 24, and 6 miles in Briones on May 22. All hikes will be on Sundays at 9:30 am. We will also learn about the history and geography of each park while we hike. Beforehand we’ll review some tips for successful hiking and what to bring along.

AGES:  10+, based on length of hikes (if your child is younger but can handle the distance, we can talk), minimum 3 kids, no max

DATES:  9:30-1:00 on March 13, April 24, May 22




Open to beginners and experienced knitters. Come learn to make fun things with yarn! Scarves, hats, placemats, blankets, socks, handmitts, washcloths…the possibilites are endless! We’ll help you figure out a small project to do based on your experience level.

AGES:  9+, minimum of 3 kids, max 6 kids

DATES:  All meetings on Sundays, 2:00-3:30: April 3, April 24, May 1, May 22.  We will meet outdoors at a park.


Homestead Farming


Project Goals and Content (specifics to be worked out based on youth interests):

  • Review urban/rural homesteading concept
  • Animals (sheep, guinea fowl, egg chickens, meat chickens, rabbits) and discuss goals, care, predators and lessons learned
  • Discuss meat chicken processing and equipment
  • Orchard: trees and crops (fruit trees, native trees, berries, vegetables, etc)
  • Grape vineyard and the process required to achieve a mature vineyard
  • Bees & honey processing process and equipment (TBD if we get into bees or not, depending on weather)
  • Greenhouse – propagating your own plants, trees, etc.
  • Discuss canning, preserving, etc. the bounty from property
  • Supper (between lunch and dinner) in backyard – i.e. individual pizzas or similar

AGES:  All ages, minimum 3 families, max 8 families

DATES:  April 23 and / or May 7, 11:00-5:00, plus a one-hour Zoom meeting to discuss logistics.  Location is in Sebastopol


Handscript and Shadowbox Collage


This project offers an introduction to free-hand cursive writing and elements of intricate collage technique. Project participants will create art pieces using hand lettering and three-dimensional collage to make a beautiful hand decorated and framed quotation in a shadow box. Students who have taken this project before are welcome to do so again. If desired, finished pieces can be entered in the 2022 Alameda County Fair. (Historically these pieces have been award winners!)

AGES:  10+, minimum 3 kids, max 6 kids

DATES:  Two Mondays, May 2 & 9, 3:30-6:30, Project leader’s backyard


Intro to 4-H for Cloverbuds


This project is for our youngest members called Cloverbuds, members ages 5-8. We will introduce Cloverbuds to some of the 4-H concepts, like the pledge, and talk about how our club works using hands-on activities, games and group discussions. There will be 6 sessions, roughtly one per month. We will strive to have the sessions be in-person and outdoors, but some may have to be via Zoom. The sessions will have the following themes: Introduction, Head, Heart, Hands, Health, and the County Fair.

AGES:  5-8, minimum 3 kids, no max

DATES:  Options will be Friday late afternoons or Saturday or Sunday mornings. Once the group is finalized, we will determine a schedule that works for the group.

PROJECT FEE:  $20 for materials and supplies



During the Drama Project, participants will learn a variety of theatre games and improvisations and will utilize creative play in order to spark ideas for original group-devised theatre pieces. At the end of the last meeting a “Show and Share” will be presented to families and friends. We will share part of the performance at the November club meeting, either through video or live on Zoom (Participants will decide how). This will be an in-person project on four weekend afternoons. Participants will be masked.

There is a possibility that we could use my school’s theatre space at Albany Middle School. If that works out, there will be a small project fee. Outside groups must rent the space. Also, I want to check everyone’s comfort level with meeting indoors. I would keep the doors open and the air purifier on in the theatre like I have been doing for school. If people are not comfortable with that, we could meet at Shorebird Park at the Berkeley Marina. There is a grassy field and a small stage we could use on a first come-first served basis. If we meet in a park, there will be no project fee. Masks will be required either way.

AGES:  This project is for ages 9 and up (If you are a mature 8 year old who really wants to do this, please sign up.); minimum 5 kids, maximum 15


  • Saturdays from 2-4
    • Oct. 9
    • Oct. 16
    • Oct. 23
    • Nov. 6
    • OR- I do have some Sundays available. Please sign up, and we will figure out times that work for everyone.

PROJECT FEE:  TBD, see note above



Craft + activism = craftivism. In this project we’ll explore what it means to be a “craftivist”. Each time you participate in crafting you are making a difference, whether it’s fighting against materialism or making items for charity or something betwixt and between. Crafting helps us to connect beyond ourselves. Whether we’re connecting with someone next door or across the globe. Craft and activism both take and inspire passion. When used as a joint force, they can quite possibly begin to slowly challenge and change things. We will work together to find causes that inspire us and ways for us to create in support of our passions.

AGES:  All; minimum 3 kids, max 8

PROPOSED DATES:  TBD – possibly weekend mornings

PROJECT FEE:  $10 (snacks/supplies)

Trash Hunters


Have you ever noticed the trash everywhere and wanted to do something about it? Here’s your chance! We will use grabbers and go around to different areas to pick up trash. I will provide the grabbers, trash bags, hand sanitizer, and gloves. Everyone is welcome to bring a lunch and snacks to enjoy outdoors. There will also be time to do some fun activities like throwing a frisbee around and other games. The project will be taking place on 2 Saturdays, weather permitting. All ages are welcome!!

AGES: All ages (Younger kids will need parent participation, but a great family activity!), minimum 3 kids, no max


  • Nov 13, 11:00-1:30
  • Dec 11, 11:00-1:30




Come out for a group bicycle exploration of The Bay Trail.

WHO: anyone willing to ride 5-10 miles, possibly on some gravel roads.

WHAT: group bicycle ride to historically and / or naturally significant areas. May include a scavenger hunt-style list.

AGES:  8 and up, minimum 3 kids, no max


  • Sunday, Nov 7, approx 9:00-11:00
  • Sunday, Dec 12, approx 9:00-11:00


Graphic Desserts


During this project, we will learn how to make desserts that are both good-looking and good-tasting. We will practice collaborating as we cook, and share the fruits of our labor together.

AGES: All, but younger kids will probably need some adult help, minimum 3 kids, no max


  • Sunday, September 26th from 10.30 to 12:  apple pie
  • Saturday, October 16th from 10.30 to 12:  flower marble cake with chocolate and caramel
  • Sunday, November 14th from 10.30 to 12 : marzipan
  • Sunday, January 9 from 11:30-12:30:  king cake (Galette des rois)


Galactic Quest (4-H STEM Challenge)


Do you want to unlock the mysteries of space exploration?! Join Galactic Quest! You’ll participate in four space-related activities: Stellar Optics, Cipher Space, Astro Adventure, and Cosmic Claw. In Stellar Optics we’ll start with the stars. We’ll explore principles of light and construct a simple telescope. In Cipher Space we’ll learn about concepts of cybersecurity and protecting assets in space. You’ll use a Caesar cipher wheel to decode a secret message and encrypt and decipher words. In Astro Adventure we’ll play a board game about the resources needed for space exploration and where they can be found. Finally, in Cosmic Claw you’ll use the Engineering Design Process to design, build, and operate a robotic claw. Cool, right?

AGES: 3rd grade and up, minimum 5 kids, no max

PROPOSED DATES:  We will probably meet outside at a park in South Berkeley

  • Sat. 11/13, 2-4pm
  • Sat. 11/20, 2-3:30pm
  • Sat. 12/4, 2-3:30pm

PROJECT FEE:  $20 for the kit



Fall/Winter, likely extension or repeat in Spring

During 4-H Weaving, new and continuing students will learn what different parts of the loom do and how a loom works as well as how to plan, measure, prep your loom, weave a piece of cloth or an inkle band. Students will all have the chance to work on a loom and complete a simple project. Returning students can begin or finish more complex projects. Kids will get a loom to work on and take that loom home to work on between project meetings.

Depending on student interest and timing, we may also explore: how to recognize and understand different textile techniques (e.g., weaving, tatting, knitting, bobbin lace, card weaving), as well as yarn chemistry—how to tell what a fiber is without a label

AGES: 10+, depending on space and prior fiber experience, age 9 students may be able to participate, maximum 6 kids

PROPOSED DATES:  Tentative dates will be Sunday Afternoons 1:00-3:00:

  • October 10
  • October 24
  • November 7
  • Meetings will be held in the back yard at my house, masked though we may do an initial meeting or quick (i.e., 30 min) interim check-in meetings to support project work over Zoom.

PROJECT FEE:  No project fee, though if students have yarn they can work with that (not required)—all materials will be provided except for scissors, pencil, paper.