- President called the meeting to order at 5:34
- VP read the pledge and showed the handshake
- Secretary introduced new faces
- Secretary read and got approval for the minutes
- Treasurer did the treasurer’s report
- Treasurer talked about the percentages of enrollment
- President talked about the officers and running for an officer
- All the officers said things that they liked about being an officer
- We all made a list of what makes a leader
- The officer sign up sheet was passed out
- Club leader made an announcement about Farm Park and Harvest Festival
- Club leader talked about the mini maker faire
- 3 project members did the baking project report
- 3 project members did the knitting project report
- Treasurer talked about the houses and how you can earn points
- Club leader chose who was in each house
- Each house made a house name and a logo
- Member picked the winning ticket for the egg raffle
- The meeting ended.