5:35– Meeting called to order
5:36– Each new youth officer introduced themselves; along with the two adult club leaders
5:39– Welcomed new members to the club community having them introduce themselves saying their name and the reason why they joined 4-H
5:41– Went over the meeting agreements for the new year
- Keep yourself on mute at all times unless you are speaking
- Do not have anything distracting/moving around in your background
- Always be respectful of other people’s ideas
- Keep cellphones and other devices off during the meeting
- Always stay positive and remember to have fun!
- Don’t be afraid to make new friends and remember to make sure that everyone in the community feels included in the community
5:43– Went over what club meeting were going to be like what was going to happen for all of the new people joining the club
5:45– Did a repeat after me of the 4-H pledge
5:55– Went over all the summer activities(through a slide show)
- Art at the beach
- Fishing
- Citizen Science
6:00– Everyone was placed in breakout rooms for icebreaker activity: Show 2 items with your group(1.Something that you have had for a long time 2. An object that represents what you did over the summer)
6:09– Everyone returns from their breakout rooms
6:11– Introduced fall project introductions
- Eating around the world
- Fairy doors
- Trash hunters
- Gardening arts and crafts
- Get out the vote
- Mars base camp
- Biking on the Bay
- Donkey Toes Publishing
- Introduction to silk screening
- Introduction to weaving
6:45– Called the meeting to an end
6:47– The new members stayed after to ask questions if they had any