Homestead Farming


Project Goals and Content (specifics to be worked out based on youth interests):

  • Review urban/rural homesteading concept
  • Animals (sheep, guinea fowl, egg chickens, meat chickens, rabbits) and discuss goals, care, predators and lessons learned
  • Discuss meat chicken processing and equipment
  • Orchard: trees and crops (fruit trees, native trees, berries, vegetables, etc)
  • Grape vineyard and the process required to achieve a mature vineyard
  • Bees & honey processing process and equipment (TBD if we get into bees or not, depending on weather)
  • Greenhouse – propagating your own plants, trees, etc.
  • Discuss canning, preserving, etc. the bounty from property
  • Supper (between lunch and dinner) in backyard – i.e. individual pizzas or similar

AGES:  All ages, minimum 3 families, max 8 families

DATES:  April 23 and / or May 7, 11:00-5:00, plus a one-hour Zoom meeting to discuss logistics.  Location is in Sebastopol