Intro to 4-H for Cloverbuds

Cloverbuds are such a special part of Emeryville 4-H! This year, our sessions will focus on two themes:

(a) Providing age-adjusted versions of a few club projects that are available only to older club members. We’ll account for safety, skill level, and attention span in offering our Cloverbuds “mini” versions of some popular club projects. For example: Can’t sign up for Creative Writing because you’re not old enough yet? Don’t worry! We will have a Cloverbuds session where we make our own stories and poems together.

(b) Exploring the general themes of 4-H and Cloverbuds, including Civic Engagement, Leadership, Healthy Living, STEM, and, of course, the 4 Hs: Head, Heart, Hands, and Health. We’ll be working in nature and making things wherever we can, and building up our little community of friends is always top priority.